Monday, December 29, 2008

RIP Lars Hollmer (1948-2008)

I was really hoping this trend wouldn't continue but I received this as part of an email from Cuneiform/Wayside's Steve Feigenbaum earlier today...

"First of all, I am very, very sorry to inform his many fans and friends that after a nearly year-long struggle with cancer, Lars Hollmer died on Christmas day. He was a gifted and unique composer/accordionist/keyboardist and general musical hero to those on the 'wayside', including myself. I also got to know him a bit from working with him over the last 10 years and he was in addition to all these other attributes, a really good and funny person as well. Being a huge fan of his work over the many years and loving his music for (among many other qualities) its melodic wistfulness, I can not begin to convey how sadly appropriate I find his death on Christmas to be."

As someone who has only over the past few years started to explore and appreciate the music of Samla Mammas Manna and Lars Hollmer this was truly a shock. I had heard a few months ago that Lars was sick but hadn't heard anything about his condition at all for quite some time. RIP Lars...

My goodness. The losses that the music world has suffered this year are truly staggering.

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